Many of the trilobite species we know today were first discovered and described in the 19th century by enthusiasts such as E. Eichwald, F. Schmidt, A. Volborth, S. Kutorga, and C. Pander.
The complete revision and systematic description of all the Ordovician (and Silurian) trilobites known at that time was done by German-Russian geologist and botanist Friedrich Carl Schmidt (1881–1907). He was the first to describe more than 60% of the trilobite species of the Saint Petersburg region.
We’re thrilled to offer you reprints of the first publications about Russian Ordovician trilobites. We paid special attention to the works of F. Schmidt being the basis of the scientific studies of the Ordovician trilobites of the St. Petersburg region. Additionally, we provide the papers by A. Volborth (1863) and E. Toll (1889) who also contributed to describing trilobites and other fossils of the St. Petersburg region and Siberia.
These works were originally published in German in the Memories of the Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg. They include many original drawings of the trilobite species described by the authors.
We’ve done out best to create high-quality photocopies of the original books and enhance the quality of text and images. The series includes ten volumes:
F. Schmidt 1886
Paper in the Bulletin of Imperial Academy of Science (St. Petersburg).
About some new Eastern Siberian trilobites.
Pp. 501 - 513
F. Schmidt 1881
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of the Eastern Baltic region.
Orders (suborders): Phacopida, Cheirurida, Encrinurida.
272 pages.
F. Schmidt 1885
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of the Eastern Baltic region.
Orders (suborders): Phacopida, Cheirurida, Encrinurida.
272 pages.
F. Schmidt 1894
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of Eastern Baltic region.
Orders (suborders): Calimmenida, Proetida, Bronteida, Harpetida, Trinucleida, Remopleurida, Agnostida.
106 pages.
F. Schmidt 1898
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of Eastern Baltic region.
Order: Asaphida. Genus: Asaphus, Onchometopus, Ptychopyge, Isotelus, Niobe, Megalaspis (Megistaspis), Nileus.
46 pages.
F. Schmidt 1885
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of the Eastern Baltic region.
Orders (suborders): Phacopida, Cheirurida, Encrinurida.
272 pages.
F. Schmidt 1901
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of Eastern Baltic region.
Orders: Asaphida.
136 pages.
F. Schmidt 1906
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of Eastern Baltic region.
Orders: Asaphida.
80 pages.
F. Schmidt 1907
Revision of the Silurian (now Ordovician) trilobites of Eastern Baltic region.
Revisions of all known in the region trilobite families.
114 pages.
A. Volborth 1863
About Russian trilobites (Illaenus, Nileus, Panderia, Dysplanus).
52 pages.
E. Toll 1889.
Paleozoic fossils of the New Siberian island Kotelny.
70 pages.
Total weight of the complete set: 3.85 kg
Total price: $270 + shipping